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The small business corner of Minori McKinney's life

Minori's Markett is their small business, the two "t"s in the name signifying the two types of goods I sell- secondhand and art.

Minori's Markett has several "Markettplaces", as they dub them, open on eBay, Etsy, Facebook, Mercari, and pangobooks, to name a few. It has also had little personally run pop-up shops during Minori's weekend as a college student while they went busking!

"My goal is to have my shop see a convention or two in the following years," remarked McKinney. "I want to focus more on the artsy half of the Markett- it's my dream as an artist."

The Markett also has a website (let's hope Minori updates it more frequently)!

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